Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

A character from my book that i don't particularly like is Ralph. I wouldn't say that i love or hate him, because those are two such harsh extremes, but i definately lean more toward the hate side of things. This is because he comes off as a snobby pretentious person simetimes. For example he's always ignoring this that Piggy, another main charactor, is trying to tell him, and it's just plain rude. Also piggy had told Ralph that the Name Piggy embarrasses him and he didn't want the other people to know about it. So Ralph promised him he wouldn't say anything, but he went right ahead and told everyone when they all met, and i just thought that was a mean backstabbing thing to do. If Ralph found a hundread bucks he'd keep it for himself no doubt because he's a self centered person, who only really thinks of himself.

I have chose a picture of a coral reef to represent my book sop far because Piggy and Ralph are stranded on an island that is surrounded by coral reef. I think, that the reef's inhabitants are going to play a role in their survival.


  1. I like the name Ralph, I know what you're talking about, but it doesn't relate to mine. Hi Chris <3

  2. Replies
    1. These are Naso Tangs, also known as Lipstick Tangs

  3. Ok lets watch the Next Threee Days...... and then Coral Reef Adventures narrated by Liam Nesson
