Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog Post #1

     The book i have chosen to read is called "Lord of the Flies," and it was written by William Golding. To be honest i didn't really have anything in mind when i went to choose my book, and nothing really jumped off the shelf at me. The book i chose was suggested to me by Mr. Costello, and then i asked around about it and a few of my classmates said it was a good read, so I decided to give it a go.
     As far as the cover goes it's pretty plane, all white with one illustration on it. I can't completely make out what it is but i think that it's a man clutching his head. I'm not sure why he would be doing that, perhaps he has a headache, or he's stressed, but it certainly interests me to open the book and find out.
     From what i was told, the book is about people being abandoned on an island and trying to survive. I read a book with a similar plot before called "Hatchet," and I loved it, so i can't wait to see what's in store for me.

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