Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Post #3

I think that the character Piggy, in my book, relates to the character Peter Griffin, on the TV show Family guy. For one they have similar physical characteristics, from corpulence to the need to wear glasses. They also are both very clumsy and dopey. Peter Griffin spends the day hanging around the house or going out with his buddies and annoying his wife Lois, who is amazingly able to deal with his schinanigans. In comparison, when on the deserted island, Piggy continues to bother Ralph, always trying to be around him and do things with the group, and Ralph just sort of waives him away. Although these characters have a great deal of comparison, they also contrast with the Fact that Piggy is some what of a Pariah because of his funny name and fatness, yet Peter is popular and respected amongst his friends.


  1. I can barely read your blue writing with that amazing fish picture in the background.
