Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fun Blog Fish Fact

This is a Fancy Snowflake Clownfish. It is derived from a cross between an Ocellaris Clownfish, and a Saddleback Clownfish...........................................................................Please post a comment below.

Blog Post #4

"The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against the light and their green feathers were a hundread feet up in the air. The ground beneath them was a bank covered with coarse grass, torn everywhere y the upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts and palm saplings. Behind this was the darkness of the forest proper and the open space of the scar."

This passage depicts the plane crash that landed the boys on their abandon island, it enhances my reading because it references the crash and shows that they're in a place totally uninhabited by humans.

Placed in the worls i live in today, i feel like ralph could adapt to it eventually but it would take him a little time because he's only 12 years old and I am in high school. As for our future, i think that Ralph would conform to how the rest of people are reacting, and try to tone it out and make a false reality for himself. I think that he wouldn't be able to accept what's really happening.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fun Blog Decoration

Blog Post #3

I think that the character Piggy, in my book, relates to the character Peter Griffin, on the TV show Family guy. For one they have similar physical characteristics, from corpulence to the need to wear glasses. They also are both very clumsy and dopey. Peter Griffin spends the day hanging around the house or going out with his buddies and annoying his wife Lois, who is amazingly able to deal with his schinanigans. In comparison, when on the deserted island, Piggy continues to bother Ralph, always trying to be around him and do things with the group, and Ralph just sort of waives him away. Although these characters have a great deal of comparison, they also contrast with the Fact that Piggy is some what of a Pariah because of his funny name and fatness, yet Peter is popular and respected amongst his friends.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

A character from my book that i don't particularly like is Ralph. I wouldn't say that i love or hate him, because those are two such harsh extremes, but i definately lean more toward the hate side of things. This is because he comes off as a snobby pretentious person simetimes. For example he's always ignoring this that Piggy, another main charactor, is trying to tell him, and it's just plain rude. Also piggy had told Ralph that the Name Piggy embarrasses him and he didn't want the other people to know about it. So Ralph promised him he wouldn't say anything, but he went right ahead and told everyone when they all met, and i just thought that was a mean backstabbing thing to do. If Ralph found a hundread bucks he'd keep it for himself no doubt because he's a self centered person, who only really thinks of himself.

I have chose a picture of a coral reef to represent my book sop far because Piggy and Ralph are stranded on an island that is surrounded by coral reef. I think, that the reef's inhabitants are going to play a role in their survival.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog Post #1

     The book i have chosen to read is called "Lord of the Flies," and it was written by William Golding. To be honest i didn't really have anything in mind when i went to choose my book, and nothing really jumped off the shelf at me. The book i chose was suggested to me by Mr. Costello, and then i asked around about it and a few of my classmates said it was a good read, so I decided to give it a go.
     As far as the cover goes it's pretty plane, all white with one illustration on it. I can't completely make out what it is but i think that it's a man clutching his head. I'm not sure why he would be doing that, perhaps he has a headache, or he's stressed, but it certainly interests me to open the book and find out.
     From what i was told, the book is about people being abandoned on an island and trying to survive. I read a book with a similar plot before called "Hatchet," and I loved it, so i can't wait to see what's in store for me.